Sabadão de pânico

Aprenda Inglês

  1. Factory reset: Restauração de fábrica Saiba mais
  2. Search: Buscar
  3. Seize: Apreender
  4. Take: Pegar
  5. Took: Pegou
  6. Claim: Afirmar
  7. Coerce: Coagir
  8. Make: Fazer
  9. Statement: Declaração
  10. Report: Delatar
  11. Tear: Rasgar
  12. Rip: Rasgar

Yesterday Lieutenant Colonel Cid was arrested.
Ontem foi preso o Tenente Coronel Cid.

The Federal Police searched and seized the Cid's house.
A Polícia Federal fez busca e apreensão na casa do Cid.

The PF took Cid and his wife's cell phones.
A PF pegou o celular do Cid e de sua esposa.

Cid's wife is involved in several crimes: Forgery of the vaccination card, attempted "Coup in the State", etc.
A esposa de Cid está envolvida em vários crimes: Falsificação do cartão de vacina, tentativa de "Golpe no Estado", etc.

Cid claims he was coerced into making a statement.
Cid afirma que foi coagido a fazer delação.

In the first two minutes of the audio, Cid blasts Minister Alexandre de Moraes.
Nos dois primeiros minutos do áudio Cid detona o Ministro Alexandre de Moraes.

"Detonar alguém" em sentido figurado geralmente significa criticar severamente ou falar mal de alguém de forma pública ou privada, geralmente de maneira negativa. Em inglês, uma expressão comum para isso é "to tear someone apart" ou "to rip into someone". Essas expressões transmitem a ideia de criticar alguém de maneira intensa ou destrutiva.

Qual seria a melhor tradução para a frase: Nos dois primeiros minutos do áudio Cid detona o Ministro Alexandre de Moraes.

Uma tradução adequada para essa frase poderia ser:

"In the first two minutes of the audio, Cid tears into Minister Alexandre de Moraes."

Essa tradução captura o sentido de "detonar" no contexto de criticar intensamente.

Gospel Life

One way or another

One way or anotyer

The English expression "one way or another" is used to indicate that something will happen or be resolved in some manner, even if it's not specifically clear how that will occur. It implies that there are various possibilities or paths that may lead to the same outcome. Here are several examples of how this expression can be used:

  1. Example 1: "We're going to finish this project one way or another." This means that regardless of the challenges or obstacles faced, the project will be completed, whether through determination, finding alternatives, or other means.
  2. Example 2: "I'm going to pass this exam one way or another." Here, the speaker is expressing determination to succeed in the exam, indicating that they will find a method or approach that works for them to achieve their goal.
  3. Example 3: "She'll get the job done one way or another." This suggests that the person is resourceful and committed to completing the task, even if it requires unconventional methods or additional effort.
  4. Example 4: "We'll reach our destination one way or another, even if we have to take a different route." In this context, the expression implies that the travelers are determined to arrive at their destination, even if they encounter unexpected road closures or detours.
  5. Example 5: "He'll find the money to buy the car one way or another, whether by saving up or getting a loan." This indicates that the person is determined to acquire the car, and they are exploring different avenues to make it happen, whether through saving money over time or seeking financial assistance.

Overall, "one way or another" is a versatile expression used to convey determination, resilience, and the willingness to explore various options to achieve a desired outcome.

De um jeito ou de outro

A expressão em inglês "one way or another" é usada para indicar que algo acontecerá ou será resolvido de alguma maneira, mesmo que não esteja especificamente claro como isso ocorrerá. Isso implica que há várias possibilidades ou caminhos que podem levar ao mesmo resultado. Aqui estão vários exemplos de como essa expressão pode ser usada:

  1. Exemplo 1: "Nós vamos terminar este projeto de uma forma ou de outra." Isso significa que, independentemente dos desafios ou obstáculos enfrentados, o projeto será concluído, seja pela determinação, encontrando alternativas ou outros meios.
  2. Exemplo 2: "Eu vou passar neste exame de uma forma ou de outra." Aqui, o falante está expressando determinação para ter sucesso no exame, indicando que eles encontrarão um método ou abordagem que funcione para eles alcançarem seu objetivo.
  3. Exemplo 3: "Ela vai concluir o trabalho de uma forma ou de outra." Isso sugere que a pessoa é perspicaz e comprometida em concluir a tarefa, mesmo que isso exija métodos não convencionais ou esforço adicional.
  4. Exemplo 4: "Nós vamos chegar ao nosso destino de uma forma ou de outra, mesmo que tenhamos que seguir por uma rota diferente." Neste contexto, a expressão implica que os viajantes estão determinados a chegar ao seu destino, mesmo que encontrem fechamentos de estradas inesperados ou desvios.
  5. Exemplo 5: "Ele vai encontrar o dinheiro para comprar o carro de uma forma ou de outra, seja economizando ou conseguindo um empréstimo." Isso indica que a pessoa está determinada a adquirir o carro e está explorando diferentes opções para tornar isso possível, seja economizando dinheiro ao longo do tempo ou buscando assistência financeira.

No geral, "de uma forma ou de outra" é uma expressão versátil usada para transmitir determinação, resiliência e disposição para explorar várias opções para alcançar um resultado desejado.

Learn English With Podcast Conversation Episode 1 | English Podcast For...

Learn English With Podcast Conversation Episode 1 | English Podcast For...

Hello everyone!

In this English episode, we will be focusing on English conversation.

Listening to English conversation is an essential part of improving your English language skills.

I can help ou improve your listening, speaking, and comprehension skills.

In this video

If I ask you a question.

Do you like village or city life?

You can comment what you like and now we will be talking abou this.

Let's start.

Hi, how are you doing today?

I'm doing well thank you.

How about you?

I'm good too.

So, I was thinking abou the differences between village life and city life.

What do you think about it?

Oh, that's an interesting topic.

I personally prefer village life because it's more peaceful and closer to nature.

What about you?

Well, I have live in both village and city and I think both have their pros and cons.

Take a pause here:

Did notice the words here pros and cons?

What does it mean?

It's mean, advantages and disadvantages.

Now let's continue the conversation.

For example, in the village, people are more friendly and helpful, but the facilities are not as advanced as in the city.

Yeah, I agree with you. In the city, there are more opportunities for education, employment, and entertainment.

But it's also more crowded and polluted.

Absolutely. I think it depends on the individua's priorities and lifestyle.

For example, if someone wants to have a quiet and simple life, the village is a better option.

But if someone wants to have a fast-paced and dynamic life, the city is a better option.

That's a good point.

Also, in the village, people have closer relationships with their neighbors and they tend to support each other in times of need.

But in the city, people are more independent and they rely on themselves more.

Yes, that's true.

But on the other hand, in the city, there is more diversity and exposure to different cultures which can broaden one's perspective.

I agree with you. So, overall, I think both village and city life have thier own merits. It's up to the person to decide what suits them best.

Exactly. It's all about personal preferences and priorities.

But it's always good to have a blance between the two, if possible.

Yes, that's a good idea.

It's always good to experience both ways of life and appreciate the differences.

Topic: Pet

Hey Anna, how are you doing?

I'm good, thanks for asking. Wou about you?

I'm doing weel too.

Hey, I was thinking of getting a pet for my house.

What do you think?

Honestly, I'm not a big fan of keeping pets inside the house.

Really? Why not?

Well, I think pets can be a lot of work and responsibility.

Plus, they can also cause allergies or other health issues for some people.

I understand your concerns, but I think having a pet can be really rewarding too.

They can be great companions and help reduce stress.

I can see that, but I also worry about the mess and potential damage they can cuase.

That's a valid concern, but I think with proper training and care, pets can be well-behaved and not cause too much trouble, and not cause toomuch trouble.

Yeah, I suppose that's true.

What kind of pet were you thinking of getting?

I was thinking of getting a dog.

I love how loyal and affectionate they can be.

Dogs are definitely cute and friendly, but they also require a lot of attention and exercise.

Do you have the time and energy to take care of one?

I do have a pretty fexible sshedule, so I think I can make it work.

Plus, I think it'll be good motivation for me to get more active too.

That's a good point.

Well, I guess it's ultimately up to you.

Just make sure you do your research and consider all the factors before making a decision.

Thanks for your input, Anna.

I appreciate your honesty and concern.

Of course, anytime.

Let me know if you need any more advice or tips on pet care.

Break Up - Boy

Hey Patrick, how are you doing?

Hey Ana, not so good actually.

Oh no, what happened? You look really down.

Did you have a fight with your girlfriend again?

Well, me and my girlfirend broke up last night.

Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. What happended?

She was cheating on me, Ana. I can't believe it.

Oh, Patrick, that's terrible.

I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now.

I don't even know what to do. I thought she was the one.

I know, it's tough, but you'll get through this.

You deserve someone who treats you right and doens't cheat on you.

I just fell so lost right now.

She admitted to cheating, and I coudn't wrap my head around it.

I know it's hard, but try to take some time for yourself and to things that make you happy.

Focus on your hobbies and spend time with friends and family.

Thanks, Ana. I appreciate ou support.

Of course, I'm always here for you. And remember, time heals all wounds.

You'll find someone who loves and respects you for who you are.

That we saw in our converstion. It is essential to know words to speak English fuently.

You go about your day. Or maybe you look for opportunities to chat in English with people you meet to improve your English speaking skills is to use them. Listening to a recordind of your own voice can feel strange. Especially talking in English.

But however you do it, the most powerful way to improve your English speaking skills is to use them. Listening toa recording of your own voice can feel strange. Especiall talking in English.

Gospel Life

Read the NEWS in English 🌐 Advanced Vocabulary and Grammar from CNN

Read the NEWS in English 🌐 Advanced Vocabulary and Grammar from CNN

In today's English lesson, we're going to read a CNN news article together.


This advanced lesson will focus on the essential vocabulary and grammar you need to know, not only to fully unterstand this article, but to participate in the culture of the English-speaking world.

We will analyze each paragraph.

I will take detailed notes, and you can download a free PDF of these notes by clicking the link in the description.

Finally, at the end of the lesson, I will read the article one more time a little faster at a natural speed so you can focus on my pronunciation and intonation.

Let's get started.

Here's the title of today's article.

Sonny to lay off 900 at PlayStation as tough times for the video games industry persist.

Here we have the phrasal verb lay off.

This means to stop employing someone because there's no work for them to do.

This is different than when someone gets fired.

Usually, you get firet because you've done something wrong.

You get laid off if a company decides to close or downsize to reduce costs.

We have a grammatical structure that's very common in news articles.

Sony to lay off 900.

It's ver common to omit the verb "be" in the titles of news articles.

This is a reduced form of "Sony is to lay off900."

This sentence uses "be" plus the "to" infilnitive as a formal way to announce that something is planned to happen in the future.

It sounds more offcial and profesional than just saying, "Sony will lay off 900."

Some more exples would be, "The president is to make an announcement this week," or "The author is to publish a new book next month."

Tough times is an adjective noun collocation.

A collocation is a group of words that are frequently used together.

In this case, the adjective "tough" and and the noun "times" create a very common phrase.

Tough times usually refer to a difficult economic period.

"Persist" is a very usful verb, which in this context means that something bad continues to exist or happen.

If you're a fan of video games like me, then you are aware that tough times persist for many companies in this industry right now.

Let's read the first paragraph.

Eletronics giant Sony announced on Tuesday that it will be cutting 900 jobs, or 8%, in PlayStation's global workforce.

The layoffs will impact all regions for Sony interactive entertainment.

Gospel Life




I'll to give you a tool that can calm down any woman.

When you hurt a woman she's not the same woman.

The woman you married after you shot her isn't the same woman ant that's not her fault.

Through some process healing she can be restored and even be better but there's that window that you might be in that you as the hero need to go in too.

O call this tool understanding her.

And what I mean undertanding, I mean, you stand under her.

If you are feeling her weight.

When I'm feeling the weight I'm under her.

I'm not solving a problem.

Your wife to be solved.

She's a solution.

She needs to be understood and that is empathy.


Vou te dar uma ferramenta que pode acalmar qualquer mulher.

Quando você machuca uma mulher ela não é a mesma mulher.

A mulher com quem você se casou depois de atirar nela não é a mesma mulher e isso não é culpa dela.

Através de algum processo de cura ela pode ser restaurada e até ficar melhor mas há aquela janela que você pode estar nisso, como herói, também precisa entrar.

Ó, chame essa ferramenta de compreendê-la.

E o que quero dizer com compreensão, quero dizer, você está sob ela.

Se você está sentindo o peso dela.

Quando sinto o peso, estou embaixo dela.

Não estou resolvendo um problema.

Sua esposa será resolvida.

Ela é uma solução.

Ela precisa ser compreendida e isso é empatia.

Gospel Life

Actions speak louder than words

Actions speak louder than words

A expressão "Actions speak louder than words" significa que o que fazemos tem um impacto maior do que o que dizemos. Em outras palavras, nossas ações têm mais peso e impacto do que apenas nossas palavras. Aqui está um exemplo para ilustrar essa expressão:

Imagine que alguém promete ajudar um amigo em apuros financeiros, mas nunca realmente oferece apoio quando necessário. Enquanto as palavras dessa pessoa podem soar reconfortantes, é a falta de ação que fala mais alto, mostrando que suas promessas são vazias.

Embora a expressão "Actions speak louder than words" não seja necessariamente o título de um filme ou música, ela pode ser incorporada em diálogos, letras de músicas ou temas de filmes.

Veja alguns exemplos:


"Actions Not Words" - Def Leppard
Embora o título não seja exatamente a expressão, a música aborda o tema de que ações são mais importantes do que palavras.

"Actions Speak Louder Than Words" - Chocolate Puma, Firebeatz
Uma música de música eletrônica que pode explorar o conceito de que ações falam mais alto.


"The Pursuit of Happyness" (À Procura da Felicidade)
Este filme estrelado por Will Smith e seu filho Jaden Smith ilustra o poder das ações sobre as palavras na jornada de um homem em busca de um futuro melhor para sua família.

"Gran Torino"
Neste filme dirigido e estrelado por Clint Eastwood, a mensagem de que as ações falam mais alto do que palavras é enfatizada nas interações entre os personagens.

"To Kill a Mockingbird" (O Sol é Para Todos)
Baseado no romance de Harper Lee, este filme aborda temas de justiça, preconceito e moralidade, destacando como as ações dos personagens falam mais alto do que suas palavras.

Embora a expressão em si possa não ser proeminente nos títulos, essas obras exploram temas que refletem o significado por trás dela.

Gospel Life

Are you hitting on me?

Are you hitting on me? Você está dando em cima de mim? "Are you hitting on me?" is an informal expression used to ask so...